Apache Flink, stream processing, event-driven applications, and more.

Ververica Platform 2.13.0 is Released!
Discover the latest release of Ververica Platform 2.13.0 with new feature...

Q&A with Filip Yonov: Unveiling the Future of Streaming Data Platforms
Unveil the future of streaming data platforms with insights from Filip Yo...

Q&A with Damian Stevens, CTO & Co-Founder at Evoura
Discover key trends in data engineering and Apache Flink insights from Da...

Flink Forward Berlin 2024: CFP Open!
Join us at Flink Forward Berlin 2024, celebrating 10 years of Apache Flin...

Driving Real-Time Data Solutions: Insights from Uber's Na Yang
Driving real-time data solutions with insights from Uber's Na Yang on Apa...

Ververica celebrates as Apache Paimon Graduates to Top-Level Project
Ververica celebrates Apache Paimon's graduation to a Top-Level Project, e...

Q&A with Erik de Nooij: Insights into Apache Flink and the Future of Streaming Data
Insights into Apache Flink and the future of streaming data from Erik de ...

Ververica donates Flink CDC - Empowering Real-Time Data Integration for the Community
Discover how Ververica donated Flink CDC to Apache Software Foundation, e...

Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.19
Discover the latest Apache Flink 1.19 release with exciting new features ...
Let’s Talk
Ververica's Unified Streaming Data Platform helps organizations to create more value from their data, faster than ever. Generally, our customers are up and running in days and immediately start to see positive impact.
Once you submit this form, we will get in touch with you and arrange a follow-up call to demonstrate how our Platform can solve your particular use case.