Apache Flink, stream processing, event-driven applications, and more.

Apache Flink
Smart Systems IoT Use Case with open source Kafka, Flink & CrateDB
This post provides a step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates how IoT stre...
February 12, 2019

Apache Flink
Stream processing: An Introduction to Event Time in Apache Flink
This post gives an introduction to Event Time in Apache Flink.
November 16, 2018

Apache Flink
Flink Features
Broadcast State Pattern in Apache Flink: 4 important considerations
What to consider when working with the Broadcast State Pattern in Apache ...
November 9, 2018

Apache Flink
Community Update: October 2018 Apache Flink Bay Area Meetup
On October 11 MapR and data Artisans held their first mutual Apache Flink...
October 22, 2018

General | Company Updates
Unified Streaming Data Platform
An introduction to ACID guarantees and transaction processing
Transaction processing has emerged as a necessary technology for modern e...
October 9, 2018
Let’s Talk
Ververica's Unified Streaming Data Platform helps organizations to create more value from their data, faster than ever. Generally, our customers are up and running in days and immediately start to see positive impact.
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