Ververica Academy

The Ververica Academy, from the original creators of Apache Flink®, is a comprehensive learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and educational resources to individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in Apache Flink.

Why Ververica Academy?

Study at your own pace and convenience, with training created by the experts at Ververica.

Boost Your Career

Enhance your career opportunities by gaining expertise in popular Apache Flink technologies, trends, and best practices.

Flexible Learning

Whether you are upgrading your skills or exploring something new, learn Flink in a convenient and engaging learning environment.

Digital Credentials

Demonstrate your newly acquired skills with badges earned upon successful course completion.

Try a Free Course Today

Ververica Academy aims to provide a flexible and accessible learning experience for individuals who may not have the opportunity to attend traditional in-person training programs.

Current Training Courses

Group 4692

Flink SQL


Introduction to
Apache Flink SQL

Group 4692

Intro to Apache Flink


Introduction to Stream Processing and Apache Flink

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